Carlos Haro, CSRC assistant director emeritus, is featured in this article about patient care.
Heartbeat, September 2011
Previews Pacific Standard Time events, including a mural—commissioned by the CSRC, the Fowler, and LACMA—that will be painted at LACMA by Willie Herron
Los Angeles Times, August 18, 2011
Article about Pacific Standard Time, July 27, 2011
Illustrated article about L.A. Xicano features quotes Chon Noriega.
Think Mexican, July 22, 2011
Article describes the two L.A. Xicano exhibitions at the Fowler Museum and quotes Chon Noriega.
UCLA Newsroom, July 20, 2011; reproduced in My Science, July 20, 2011
Commentary cites the CSRC Research Report "Hollywood's Race/Ethnicity and Gender-Based Casting: Prospects for a Title VII Lawsuit" (no. 14, 2006) while discussing the decision of actor-director Ben Affleck to cast himself as a Latino.
Racebending (blog), July 5, 2011
Article about the CSRC exhibition at the Fowler Museum at UCLA
Tradición, July 2011
Previews the CSRC exhibition at the Autry National Center
Hispanic Lifestyle, May 26, 2011