
Subscribe to CSRC News
July 10, 2022

The CSRC in collaboration with the Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) is pleased to announce the first cohort of recipients of the Latinx Studies Seed (LSS) Grants Program.

July 8, 2022

CSRC and LPPI receive $15 million for Latina Futures, 2050 Lab; new report on young California voters; CSRC Press wins book awards; IUPLR-Mellon dissertation fellows and Chancellor's postdocs announced; CSRC in the news; and more, in the Summer 2022 newsletter!

Pictured: Veronica Terriquez, CSRC director, and Sonja Diaz, LPPI founding director

July 7, 2022

A feature on the new research project Latina Futures, 2050 Lab, a collaboration between the CSRC and the Latino Policy and Politics Institute, to be funded with a $15 million allocation from the State of California.

June 27, 2022

The CSRC announces Educating Toward a Multiracial Democracy in California (June 2022), a working paper co-authored by John Rogers, Erica Hodgin, Joseph Kahne, and Veronica Terriquez. The paper is published by UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access (IDEA) in partnership with the Civic Engagement Research Group at UC Riverside and the CSRC.


June 14, 2022

In a UCLA Newsroom story about UCLA's Ethno-Communications program, Chon Noriega, distinguished professor of film and television and former CSRC director, commented on how the program, which ended in 1975, helped diversify the student body.

June 7, 2022

The UCLA HSI Taskforce has released the report Cultiving the Seeds of Change:  Becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution. The report outlines how UCLA might successfully transition into a federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution.

A PDF of the report is attached below.

For more information about UCLA's efforts to become a HSI, visit the UCLA HSI website:
