CSRC Newsletter - December 2005

CSRC Newsletter Volume 4, Number 3

Director's Message

As we end 2005, I would like to thank the many people who have contributed to the CSRC and its various projects. In the next year, we will focus on the issue of the educational pipeline for Chicanos, hosting major conferences on public education in March and on Chicano youth leadership in May and publishing a new policy brief from Daniel Solórzano, CSRC associate director. Professor Michael Olivas, University of Houston Law Center, will start 2006 with a lecture on Hernández v. Texas. Tried in 1954, it was the first case argued by Mexican American lawyers before the U.S. Supreme Court, and it is an insightful counterpart to Brown v. Board of Education, which was decided two weeks later. Finally, on a personal note, congratulations to Wendy Belcher, CSRC press manager, on ten years of dedicated and inspired service, bringing out Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies on schedule and shepherding numerous publication projects into print!
Chon A. Noriega, Professor and Director

CSRC Events

Landmark Court Case the Topic for Guest Faculty Exchange
The CSRC will host Michael A. Olivas for a lecture titled "Colored Men and Hombres Aqui: Hernández v. Texas and the Emergence of Mexican American Lawyering." Olivas, the William B. Bates Distinguished Chair in Law and the director of the Institute for Higher Education Law and Governance at the University of Houston Law Center, is recognized for his writings on higher education law, immigration law and policy, and financial aid issues. The lecture will be Friday, January 13, 2006, at 12:00 noon in 179 Haines Hall. For questions or more information please email the front office.
CSRC Library.
New Collection of Theater Documents Acquired
The CSRC Library has acquired the papers of Diane Rodriguez, associate producer for new play production at LA's Center Theatre Group. The collection, obtained in October, includes documents related to the development of performances at the Mark Taper Forum during Rodriguez's tenure as director of the theater’s Latino Theater Initiative. The Rodriguez papers complement a collection of similar papers from the Center Theatre Group, which was given to the library last summer. A finding aid for the library’s collection of papers from the Mexican Museum of San Francisco will be available through the Online Archive of California early next year. This collection, given to the library in May, includes papers relating to exhibitions, curatorial matters, and the daily operation of the museum, which is recognized for its holdings of Mexican, Latino, and Chicano art.
The library has many people to thank for their help with the massive theater document project. Joy Novak, doctoral student in the UCLA Information Studies Program, worked enthusiastically and tirelessly, as did the many CSRC work-study students and interns who helped during the summer. CSRC archivist Michael Stone supervised the students and, with Frederica Nascimento, transported the collection, stored in 160 boxes, from San Francisco to UCLA.

CSRC Press

This year has been an extremely active one for CSRC Press. In addition to publishing two issues of Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, we released the first book in our new Chicano Archive series, Self-Help Graphics & Art: Art in the Heart of East Los Angeles, last month. We launched this series to preserve and disseminate information about important Latino archival collections. Two new CSRC Research Reports were published in the spring: Identifying and Preserving the History of the Latino Visual Arts, an important resource for those seeking to preserve community archives, and Press Discourse on Minority Media: A Comparative Analysis, an exploration of the independent media’s treatment of ethnic film. Community College as a Pathway to Chicana/o Doctorate Production, the latest Latino Policy & Issues Brief, received national media attention following its publication in June. Look for many more exciting publications in 2006, including new DVDs and the first volume in CSRC Press’s newest series, A Ver: Revisioning Art History.
Ordering Information
The CSRC Press is preparing to send ordering information on our books, journals, policy briefs, DVDs, and other products to everyone who is interested. Look for an email that announces our new web-based information request form. Through it, you will be able to enter your postal address and select the publications that you would like to receive, including the free Latino Policy & Issues Brief. Many new items were released in 2005, and many more will come out in 2006, so we want to be sure that everyone is kept abreast of developments!
Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies
Look for a historic and exciting announcement about the journal of record in the field of Chicano studies. This year, 2005, is the thirty-fifth anniversary of Aztlán. In honor of the journal’s vital legacy, the CSRC Press will take an important step in 2006 to preserve and extend access to its content.
Press Information
If you are interested in buying our books, click here.
If you are interested in buying our DVDs, click here.
If you are interested in subscribing to our journal, email your postal address to press@chicano.ucla.edu.
Information about all our publications is available at the CSRC Press website.

CSRC Grants & Fellowships Recipients

Latino Studies Fellowships
The Smithsonian is offering fellowships for doctoral candidates and postdocs who are interested in pursuing research in Latino studies at the Smithsonian. The grants can extend to twelve months. Predoctoral stipends are $22,000 per year; postdoctoral stipends are $35,000 per year. The application deadline is Sunday, January 15, 2006. For more information, see the website.
Research Fellow Positions Available
The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) is seeking Ph.D.-level research fellows with expertise in social policy, immigration policy, education policy, political participation, and issues related to the environment or infrastructure. For more information, see the website.
CSRC Postdoctoral/Visiting Scholar Fellowship Available
Four postdoctoral fellowships are available for conducting and theorizing oral history research in African American, American Indian, Asian American, or Chicano communities. Fellows’ research must rely significantly on oral history or on qualitative interviews that have a comparable social or historical focus. The UCLA Institute of American Cultures, in cooperation with UCLA’s four ethnic studies centers and the UCLA Center for Oral History Research, is offering one fellowship per center. Each fellowship includes a stipend. Applications are due by Friday, January 13, 2006. For more information, see the website.
Graduate and Predoctoral Fellowship Available
Current UCLA students with a demonstrated interest in ethnic studies are eligible to apply for a graduate/predoctoral fellowship to aid in the completion of a thesis or dissertation. The fellowship consists of a stipend and all in-state fees. Restrictions apply regarding acceptance of supplemental employment and/or other awards during the fellowship year. On occasion, centers have chosen to divide the graduate fellowship between two or among three students. Applications are due by Friday, January 13, 2006. For more information, see the website.

Student Opportunities

Graduate Student Website
The CSRC website publishes a list of UCLA graduate students currently doing Chicana/o-related research. To be added to the CSRC Affiliated Students list, email the center with your information.
The CSRC welcomes undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in Chicano Studies to work as interns and volunteers in various areas of the Center. If interested, send an inquiry to Carlos M. Haro.


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